Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Just Advertise
Reality-Networkers, an international organization, was founded not to compete with the other online opportunities, but instead, to truly maximize the earning potential of all online opportunities out there.
At Reality-Networkers, we understand that, it is very hard for some people to refer 2 ~ 5 people. While others may have no trouble referring hundreds of people, their referrals may have a difficult time replicating their efforts.
Our goal is to make people realize what it really takes to earn money online. What mindset is needed, and what kind of effort is necessary to truly achieve financial freedom through online opportunities.
We believe that with the entire group of people helping each other, supporting each other, teaching each other, and most importantly, motivating and pushing each other, everyone in the team can become an active network marketer and refer at least 2 ~ 5 people.
Then, it does not matter what kind of opportunities are out there, it does not matter what kind of system they have. YOU will be able take your entire team of active members and succeed in every single one of them.
Monday, June 1, 2009
1. The Wave. Between Arizona and Utah - USA
Spoiler for Fotonya:
ada di perbatasan arizona dan utah . terbuat dari pasir yang berumur 190 juta tahun yang berubah menjadi batu.
2. Antelope Canyon . Arizona - USA
Spoiler for Fotonya:
kalau ini sih sering di kunjungi dan di foto2in. berada di Navajo Land , dekat Page, Arizona di Amerika Selatan..
3. Great Blue Hole ( Belize )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
berada di jarak 60 mil dari kota Belize . lingkaran yang berdiameter 0.4 kilometer. tempat yang enak untuk diving. dalamnya sekitar 480 kaki atau 145 meter. karena kedalamannya itulah warna nya jadi biru tua
4. Crystal Cave of the Giants ( Mexico )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
terletak di dalam pertambangan di Chihuahua Mexico . warna dan bentuknya bermacam-macam. warnanya ada yang emas dan silver.
5. Eye of the Sahara ( Mauritania )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
berada di baratdaya gurun sahara. berdiameter 30 mil sehingga terlihat jelas dari angkasa. bentuknya yang bulat itu masih merupakan misteri.
6. Blue Lake Cave ( Brazil )
7. Giants Causeway ( Ireland )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
ini disebabkan oleh reaksi vulkanik pada saat gunung meletus. kebanyakan bentuknya adalah hexagonal. yang tertinggi ada 12 meter-an.
8. Hell Gate ( Uzbekistan )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
biasa disebutkan "the door to hell". terletak di dekat kota kecil, Darvaz. 35 tahun yang lalu, tim geologis sedang menggali untuk mencari sumber gas. namun yang mereka temukan adalah sebuah goa besar yang berapi. dikirakan goa ini akan terus membakar gas selamanya.
9. Wave Rock ( Australia )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
terbuat alami dengan sendirinya. diberi julukan "Wave Rock" karena bentuknya menyerupai ombak. tingginya bisa mencapai 15 meter dan panjangnya sampai 110 meter.
10. Chocolate Hills ( Philippines )
Spoiler for Fotonya:
luasnya mencapai 50 kilometer persegi. terletak di Bohol , Filipina.
Look back and thank God
Look forward and trust God
Look around and serve God
Look within and find God
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wonderful Northern Light
Three rows of lights seem to be dancing and swaying across the sky amongst the stars with a colorful display . The night life is full of millions of magical creations but none of them are as fascinating as watching a spectacular show put on by the Northern Lights.The Northern Lights are created when two forces, the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field meet up with each other and begin to mingle. The solar wind particles hitting the gases of the Earth's atmosphere is what makes these lights glow in the night sky and produces a show to remember.
The best times to see the Northern Lights is in fall and spring. On clear nights these dancing veils of light can be seen.There are many tour operators offering Northern Lights watching in Manitoba, Yukon and Alaska.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Best of Japan
Langkah berikutnya, Jepang mengimpor buku dari barat, kemudian diterjemahkan dalam bhs Jepang. Seiring dgn dibangun nya institut penerjemahan, terjemahan buku import ke dalam bhs bhs Jepang, sudah tersedia dalam beberapa minggu sejak buku asingnya diterbitkan. Kemudian, mengirim tim pengusaha Jepang ke Amerika dan belajar beragam disiplin ilmu. Setelah ilmu diserap, mereka meniru ciptaan Barat dan berusaha memperbaikinya menjadi barang yang lebih baik, bermutu tinggi dan sesuai dengan kehidupan masyarakat Asia.
Harus diakui, bangsa Jepang memiliki keberanian, keyakinan, disiplin dan komitmen kerjanya sangat tinggi. Mereka berusaha bekerja sungguh-sungguh dan terus belajar mencari peluang baru. Tak heran jika rata-rata jam kerja pegawai di Jepang adalah 2.450 jam/thn. Dan itu sangat tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan Amerika (1.957 jam/thn), Inggris (1.911 jam/thn), Jerman (1.870 jam/thn) serta Perancis (1.680 jam/thn). Akibatnya fenomena Karoshi (mati karena kerja keras) mungkin hanya ada di Jepang. Sebagian besar literatur menyebutkan bahwa ; dengan kerja keras inilah sebenarnya kebangkitan Jepang bisa tercapai.
Untuk tata ruang kantor khas Jepang : mulai pimpinan hingga staf teknis duduk pada satu ruangan yang sama – tanpa sekat. Semua bisa melihat bahwa semuanya bekerja. Satu orang membaca koran, pasti akan ketahuan. Semua sistem perkantoran berlandaskan kejujuran, inovasi, kreatif dan pantang menyerah. Dengan itu, mereka percaya akan cepat maju dan meningkat sekaligus efisien.
Contoh lain di supermarket. Bila seorang customer menanyakan sebuah barang, petugas supermarket tak sekadar menunjukkan dimana letak barang itu berada. Tapi langsung mengantar dan memastikan customer memegang barang yang dicarinya. Setelah itu, petugas kembali ke posisi semula. Hal itu tidak berarti jumlsh petugas supermarket di Jepang demikian banyaknya sehingga mereka berkesempatan jalan-jalan di dalam supermarket yang sangat besar, justru sebaliknya, jumlah petugas selalu sesuai dgn kebutuhan dan mereka selalu bergerak seperti semut.
Selain kerja keras, loyalitas membuat sistem karir di sebuah perusahaan berjalan dan tertata rapi. Sedikit berbeda dengan sistem di Amerika dan Eropa. Orang Jepang sangat jarang berpindah-pindah pekerjaan. Mereka biasanya bertahan di satu atau dua perusahaan sampai pensiun. Ini mungkin implikasi dari industri Jepang yang kebanyakan hanya mau menerima fresh graduate, yang kemudian mereka latih dan didik sendiri sesuai dgn bidang garapan (core bussiness) perusahaan.
Terakhir, Budaya di Jepang tidak terlalu mengakomodasi kerja bersifat individualistik. Kerja dalam kelompok menjadi salah satu kekuatan terbesar orang Jepang. Ada anekdot bahwa “ 1 orang profesor Jepang akan kalah dengan 1 orang profesor Amerika, hanya 10 orang profesor Amerika tidak akan bisa mengalahkan 10 orang profesor Jepang yang berkelompok”.
Musyawarah mufakat atau sering disebut rin-gi adalah ritual dalam kelompok. Keputusan strategis harus dibicarakan dalam rin-gi. Bagaimana dgn Indonesia?
by anna bella
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Facts of earth
We live on a sphere of extremes and oddities. In fact it's not really a sphere, but it is a wild planet, mottled with deadly volcanoes, rattled by killer earthquakes, drenched in disastrous deluges. But do you know which were the worst?
What is the hottest place on Earth?
Count one wrong if you guessed Death Valley in California . True enough on many days. But El Azizia in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on Sept. 13, 1922 -- the hottest ever measured. In Death Valley , it got up to 134 Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913
And the coldest place around here?
Far and away, the coldest temperature ever measured on Earth was -129 Fahrenheit (-89 Celsius) at Vostok, Antarctica , on July 21, 1983 .
What makes thunder?
If you thought, "Lightning!" then hats off to you. But I had a more illuminating answer in mind. The air around a lightning bolt is superheated to about five times the temperature of the Sun . This sudden heating causes the air to expand faster than the speed of sound, which compresses the air and forms a shock wave; we hear it as thunder.
Where is the worlds highest waterfall?
The water of Angel Falls in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet (979 meters)
What would a 100-pound person weigh on Mars?
The gravity on Mars is 38 percent of that found on Earth at sea level. So a 100-pound person on Earth would weigh 38 pounds on Mars.
How far is it to the center of the Earth?
The distance from the surface of Earth to the center is about 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers).
What is the longest river?
The Nile River in Africa is 4,160 miles (6,695 kilometers) long
Which of the Earth's oceans is the largest?
The Pacific Ocean covers 64 million square miles (165 million square kilometers). It is more than two times the size of the Atlantic . It has an average depth of 2.4 miles (3.9 kilometers).
How much surface area does Earth contain?
There are 196,950,711 square miles (510,100,000 square kilometers).
What is the largest lake in the world?
By size and volume it is the Caspian Sea , located between southeast Europe and west Asia
How old is Earth?
Our planet is more than 4.5 billion years old, just a shade younger than the Sun. Recent evidence actually shows that Earth was formed much earlier than previously believed, just 10 million years after the birth of the Sun, a stellar event typically put at 4.6 billion years ago.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
having fun with lasers by aurora lipper
L.A.S.E.R. stands for Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation. The light emitted by an incandescent bulb spreads in all directions, and therefore lights up the room, while the light coming from a laser is in the form of a thin beam made up of photons travelling in a straight line. Therefore a laser beam makes just a dot of light on your wall. I have gone through many homeschool curriculums such as the Apologia science curriculum, and I felt that I must take learning one step ahead by introducing some practical and fun ways of learning science.
How Lasers Work
When a light source throws light into the tube of your laser pointer, the particles of gas in the tube begin to vibrate harder (imagine your excited pet dog running all over your living room). When these excited particles relax (imagine your dog lying lazily on the couch), they release light energy in the form of photons. These released photons now collide with other gas particles in the tube and make them vibrate or relax. After some time many photons of light are released. They bounce off mirrors in the tube and are released through the opening of the tube (imagine a doggie door) in a controlled manner, forming a thin and straight beam.
Now let's do a couple of fun experiments. You can use a keychain laser or a simple red-laser pointing device for the same. Green lasers from astronomy stores are dangerous and should not be used. Remember to wear eye protection even if it feels weird to wear them in the dark.
Beam through Bottle Experiment: Fill a plastic soda bottle with water. Add a few pinches of cornstarch till the water turns slightly milky. Now switch off the lights and flash your laser pointing device through the bottle. What do you see? Do you see the original laser beam? Can you find the reflected and the pass-through beam?
Laser-Fog Machine Experiment: You can do a slight variation to the above experiment by using a fog machine instead of cornstarch water. Turn on the fog machine and flash a couple of laser pointing devices through the fog. Enjoy the spectacular laser show!
CD Laser Diffraction Experiment: Place an old scratched CD and a new smooth CD on a table. Turn on the fog machine around the CDs, and flash the laser pointer on both the CDs. What do you see? Which CD sends out more reflections, the scratched one of the smooth one? See to it that there is enough fog so that the laser beams are seen clearly. You can also place other shiny objects near the CDs and enjoy the laser patterns!